
The Verde Valley Archaeology Center is committed to work with organizations with similar missions.
National Park Service
Verde Valley Archaeology Field Institute (VVAFI) is a program of the official nonprofit National Park Service partner, the Verde Valley Archaeology Center. VVAFI is proud to offer guided hiking tours, lectures and classes exploring a variety of fun and compelling subjects lead by trained guides and field experts.
Archaeological Conservancy
The Archaeological Conservancy, established in 1980, is the only national non-profit organization dedicated to acquiring and preserving the best of our nation's remaining archaeological sites. Based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Conservancy also operates regional offices in Mississippi, Maryland, Ohio, and California.
The Conservancy currently owns five properties in the Verde Valley. The Verde Valley Archaeology Center is the local agent for the Conservancy. We monitor the sites for vandalism and work with local landowners for additional properties that may be protected. For more information about the Conservancy contact them at (505) 266-1540 or, or contact the Center's Executive Director.
Public Lands Alliance
We are a member of the Public Lands Alliance which is a unified community dedicated to the preservation, enrichment and enjoyment of America's most treasured public places. It is a national voice for nonprofit public lands partners -- a leader in growing effective and successful partnerships and a vital network for nonprofit leaders and public land managers.
American Association for State and Local History
We are a member of the American Association for State and Local History. We support the organization and its programs and participate in the StEPs Program. Meeting standards is important for even the smallest of organizations. The great benefit of StEPs is that it breaks national standards down into Basic, Good, and Better levels so you work incrementally to meet them. Letting your community and stakeholders know your organization is striving to meet national museum standards builds credibility and helps you justify funding requests.
National Association of Reciprocal Museums
The North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association is one of the largest reciprocal membership programs in the world! NARM has over 980 arts, cultural, and historical institutions along with botanical gardens, children’s museums, science and technology centers and more that offer their individual NARM qualified members reciprocal benefits. Center members who are at least at the $100 level receive a gold sticker on their membership cards for access to the participating museums.